Jamaat e Islami Hind Karnataka launches a two-weeks long campaign Covid-19-A Call To Turn To The Creator. This was announced by the state president Dr. Belgami Muhammad Saad in a press conference held at Shanti Sadan, RT Nagar in Bangalore. The press conference was connected over zoom for journalists across the state. following is the press release issued in the conference.
PRESS RELEASE Date: 4th August, 2020
The world continues to be in the grip of COVID-19 pandemic. In our country India, we are seeing acute surge of the cases and state of Karnataka as well as Silicon City of nation Bengaluru cases are on same trajectory. It is been more than five months of COVID-19 contagious effect seen in Bengaluru and other parts of country. Even today, with all technological means and expertise, we are unable to dampened its surge and plug it.
The world with its myriad species has been created and maintained in a fine balance. Man in his inquisitive, selfish and exploitative ways has often tampered with this natural balance with disastrous consequences sometimes. This reaction from nature has sometimes dramatic and sometimes drawn over a long period of time. The environmental crises that bedevil the planet’s future are well known. Unless we, the most recent inhabitations of this long existing mother Earth, learn to live in harmony with nature and maintain the ecological balance, we may soon leave this place uninhabitable for not only our future generation but also for other species.
Moral and Human Values:
Mankind differ from all other creation in two respects. One, we have been given the intellect and freedom to take our own mark here and the whole universe has been placed at our service. Secondly, we have been endowed with a moral sense and conscience. Hence the quest and longing for moral values, justice, fair play, compassion and brotherhood. But in the pursuit of material and self-centred goal , we become a victim of our moral vice and basal instincts resulting in injustice, oppression, strife and conflicts. Technology has only accentuated the outcomes.
Calamities and upheavals happen also when the moral imbalance in the society exceeds limits. History bears testimony to the fact that when nations trespass moral limits, they have been stopped or annihilated by Divine intervention. Oppression can be pervasive but never endless. In times like COVID-19, it is important to discern and understand the moral dimension.
Master or Custodian:
Pandemics or huge distress rudely awaken us to the fact that we and the whole universe is subject to an all-powerful Being “Our Creator” who wields the ultimate authority. We are not masters but temporary custodians who will be called to account eventually. Notwithstanding our scientific and technological progress, the whole world, the high and low, has been brought to its knee by this tiny invisible virus. A whole of not even one gram of virus load has humbled the entire world. Is it not prudent to recognize this eternal truth and not be blinded by illusion? Man can never be a responsible being unless he realizes his fundamental responsibility and accountability in line with the purposefulness of everything we see here. Is it right for us to mock and stand against the unanimous direction of universe, but to our own peril?
Real India:
This pandemic has laid bare the spectacle of real India – its poor, daily wagers, migrant labour, hapless farmers and large section of its lower middle class rendered jobless and fighting for survival. Real education, growth, equality of opportunity, rights for all, and socio politico economic justice remains distant dream in our country. It is one thing to gloat about the prospects of a five trillion economy and an entirely another vision to usher in a really developed, educated, enlightened egalitarian society. It is better we wake up to the real issues and challenges, rather live in a make believe world.
“COVID-19: A CALL to RETURN TO CREATOR”, CAMPAIGN 5th -20th August, 2020
In the prevailing pandemic, Jamaat-E-Islami Hind Karnataka Zone decided to run two weeks long state wide people campaign. The objectives of the campaign are reminding the people about the moral and social responsibilities from the Creator, emphasizing the masses to adhere precautionary measure as an individual and society together, extending helping hand to each other in easing the economical as well as socio-medical distress. During this campaign various activities are planned –
- Conducting online “ All Religion Heads Message in Pandemic” webinar on 9th August, 2020
- Public Awareness announcement at ward/Hobbali level about Pandemic precautionary measure and adherence to rules
- Spreading the message of social caring and brotherhood during the testing time of pandemic through social media, community centres and broadcasting community elders, civil society leaders, renowned academician, intellectuals and medical experts.
- Publicizing the civil society initiatives like Doctors For Humanity , Mercy Mission helps in free medical consultation, searching bed availability in hospitals, providing free oxygen cylinder, counselling, Mercy Angel (Dignified last rights of COVID-19 death victims), free ration to needy people.
- Coordinating and cooperating with government agencies in carrying various activities to control and defeat COVID-19
We are hopeful to reach out more than one crore people of Karnataka state during this campaign and convey the message of Creator, social caring, brotherhood and together fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind
Jamaat-E-Islami Hind as you may be aware has always been working for conveying the message of Allah as told by His messenger Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to mankind, Communal Harmony, justice, social service, better understanding between different sections of the society and prosperity & progress of the nation.
Public Awareness announcement at ward/Hobbali level about Pandemic precautionary measure and adherence to rules it should be announced through
Spreading the message of social caring and brotherhood during the testing time of pandemic through social media, community centers and broadcasting community elders, civil society leaders, renowned academician, intellectuals and medical experts and through loudspeaker on daily basics and others means of communication
proper treatment should be given to the needy at reasonable charges