GIO Launches state wide campaign

October 26, 2011

Bangalore: An effort to make a better society cannot be achieved unless we do not consider the negative impacts that it brings along the way. All over the world, rapid changes in lifestyles, growing consumerism and intense competition sometimes finds youngsters struggling to cope. Often this resurgence comes with a price. But the real issue is the way our youth deals with the various tribulations that come with it, such as academic stress, competition, fear of failure, peer pressure, lack of Spirituality, alcoholism, drug abuse, parental pressure, lack of social skills, troubled love life, depression, suicides, etc..

Girls Islamic Organisation, Karnataka, strongly believes that addressing these issues is the pressing need of the hour. In order to turn its beliefs into action, an enthusiastic campaign, ‘Responsible youth for a better society’ will be organized from the 28th to 30thof October across the state of Karnataka. The objectives of this campaign are to point out the ill impacts of social evils, to emphasize the importance of reconstruction of society, to ensure a responsible youth for a better society and to explain the need of moral values. Various programs and events such as symposiums, Table talks, Panel discussions, hostel visits, and hospital visits, Inter College and inter school competitions will be conducted as part of the campaign.


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1 Comment

  1. Assalamwalikum sister,

    I appreciate your hard work and dedication towards Islam.i have also attended few seminars of GIO in Bangalore, i would also appreciate if such activities are brought up in Bijapur, Karnataka. this would rather help the women who are interested in attending such programs and also give us the opportunity in serving the organisation by adding us in ur team.
    Jazak allaha,


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